US based company, which works on secure connectivity solutions for embedded applications, end-to-end security and privacy and smart connected solutions markets.
The increased demand for privacy and security among users, for banking, medical and safety critical devices urged the need to have secured execution environment. To maintain all the secret credentials and data manipulation in larger rich operating system, also called as Rich Execution Environment (REE), is vulnerable. This paves the way for the target systems of malware and hackers in general. To achieve this, it requires offloading the sensitive information and processing to a more trusted and securing environment, called Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). Isolation of REE and TEE is implemented through both Hardware and Software. OPTEE on NXP’s i.MX6UL is the best for security and privacy.
OPTEE Secure Connectivity Solutions for Embedded Applications
OP-TEE stands for Open Portable Trusted Execution Environment. The OPTEE runs securely on Trustzone hardware embedded in the SoC. The processor core of SoC has two virtual cores: Secure and Non-Secure
セキュアな世界と非セキュアな世界の切り替えは「セキュアモニタコール(SMC)」によって実現される。TrustZone ハードウェア、Trusted ブート、Trusted OS、Trusted アプリケーションは、Trusted 実行環境(TEE)を形成する。REE は、OP-TEE が提供するサービス/アプリケーショ ンを使用して安全に実行し、データ操作(データ保護)を回避する。
OPTEEの技術仕様と規格は、Global Platform(非営利の業界団体)によって定義されています。