iWave's Expertise in Linux OTA (Over the Air) Update on Embedded Platforms

Have you ever checked your smartphone or your IoT device and received an alert for a software update? All you have to do is simply accept the update when you have the network connectivity and the rest will be taken care of automatically by the software. Isn’t it simply amazing to be able to refresh your device, no matter where you are in the world? This update process is widely known as OTA (over the air).

OTA is a technology that manages software and lets you wirelessly upgrade the operating system/files of your platform.

OTA become a de-facto standard even for small IoT solutions because of the following factors:

  • OTA updates allow your devices to change along with the new infrastructure and decrease maintenance costs.
  • Updates achieved without having to send technicians into the field or the users needing to visit the place to have something fixed.
  • OTA updates act immediately to keep your deployment robust and make sure transmissions are safe and protected ahead of the curve.
  • Release Now, Update Later – You won’t have to wait for everything to be perfect to deploy. Product features can be accomplished in phases, with devices picking up additional functionality in stages.
  • The device can improve with market trends.

iWave incorporates the OTA update solution using Mender open-source software update manager into our various Linux platforms.

OTA Update on iWave’s Embedded Platforms

Since Mender is an open-source client-server update manager, we have utilized the full potential of the service for secure and robust OTA update using iWave’s customization in the following steps:

    1. Develop the software update in device software build system (laptop / PC)
    2. Upload software update artifact to the management server
    3. The Client polls for updates from the server and fetches the update if it is available.
    4. The server monitors and manages the updates during this time.
    5. The client device downloads the updated artifact and boots into the updated software.

iWaveのLinux OTAソリューションとMenderは、次のような点で際立っている:

  • iWaveのYocto BSPに統合されたOTAソリューション。したがって、将来のアップデートと堅牢性が保証される。
  • Menderは、オープンソースのライセンスアップデートマネージャーで、OEMや業界にとって完璧なソリューションです。
  • iWaveは、「マネージド・モード」(サーバーが自動的にアップデートを行う)と「スタンドアローン・モード」(サードパーティーのソフトウェアが、ネットワークの有無にかかわらず、アップデートのタイミングを決定できる)の両方をサポートしている。
  • アプリケーションとシステムの両方のアップデートをサポート。
  • 端末にアップデートのための一時ストレージを用意する必要はない。
  • など、本格的なセキュリティ機能を備えている:
    • 完全性チェックサム
    • 安全なTLS通信
    • コード署名
    • 複数のアルゴリズムによる署名検証
  • などの拡張機能がある:
    • 高保証ブート(i.MXプラットフォーム用)
    • Uブートアップデート
    • カスタム周辺機器アップデート
    • サードパーティのアプリケーションやサーバーに統合するためのAPI
    • 要件に基づくカスタム更新ステータス。
    • デルタ更新(ある画像から別の画像への変更点のみを更新する場合)
    • カスタムパーティションレイアウト

iWave has implemented an OTA update solution on our i.MX8 development platforms and has proven our expertise in the technology in several use cases including telematics (automotive), medical, industrial, and IoT applications. Our dedicated technical support including OTA implementation, customization, server integration, etc., ensures that customers can focus on their core competencies without having to be worried about software updates for their designs.

For more details, please write to mktg@iwavesystems.com

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