i.MX 91 OSM Software update image

New Release: Linux 6.6.23 BSP for i.MX 91 OSM System on Modules powered by NXP

iWave is pleased to inform you about the availability of Linux6.6.23 Release for i.MX91 OSM System on Module and i.MX 91 Single Board Computer.

Product: i.MX 91 OSM SoM, i.MX 91 SBC
Product Part Number:
Release: Linux6.6.36
Release Date: 26/09/2024


  • Linux kernel: Supports kernel version 6.6.23 with consolidated Linux Factory Kernel.
  • U-Boot: Supports U-Boot Version v2024.04 with consolidated Linux Factory U-Boot.
  • Yocto Project: Supports Yocto Project version 5.0 Scarthgap.

iW-RainboW-G50M: The i.MX 91 SoM features a powerful Cortex-A55 core, 2GB LPDDR4 memory, and 16GB expandable eMMC flash. It offers advanced connectivity with Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3, IEEE 802.15.4, and dual 1Gbps Ethernet, including one with TSN support. Additionally, the SoM integrates a 1:4 USB 2.0 hub, an external RTC controller, and a programming header for enhanced functionality and flexibility.

The i.MX 91 OSM System on Module is mounted on a carrier board, serving as a Single Board Computer (SBC) and evaluation kit. This production-ready SBC, designed in a compact Pico-ITX form factor, incorporates essential interfaces tailored for applications such as smart home hubs, metering gateways, and industrial automation solutions.

For more information, please contact mktg@iwave-global.com.

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