
The Intel 80186/88 family processors are such a success, they have marked a legacy of their own. They are widely used in many comprehensive applications which were built to last multiple semiconductor generations. iWave has intelligently partitioned and identified the sub-IP blocks in these chipsets and created an IP suite of its own to target the FPGA-based devices as the applications demand, keeping the target application unchanged.

The x86 core from iWave is an excellent choice for embedded applications such as industrial, automotive, and communication system solutions. Intel 80188EB, 80186EB, 80186EC, 80188XL, 80186XL, NEC V53, and AMD AM188/186ES can be easily replaced with iWave’s legacy IP cores. These x86 cores can be targeted on multiple FPGA families from leading vendors like Altera, Xilinx, Microsemi, and Lattice.

The Intel 80186/88 family processors are such a success, they have marked a legacy of their own. They are widely used in many comprehensive applications which were built to last multiple semiconductor generations. iWave has intelligently partitioned and identified the sub-IP blocks in these chipsets and created an IP suite of its own to target the FPGA-based devices as the applications demand, keeping the target application unchanged.

The x86 core from iWave is an excellent choice for embedded applications such as industrial, automotive, and communication system solutions. Intel 80188EB, 80186EB, 80186EC, 80188XL, 80186XL, NEC V53, and AMD AM188/186ES can be easily replaced with iWave’s legacy IP cores. These x86 cores can be targeted on multiple FPGA families from leading vendors like Altera, Xilinx, Microsemi, and Lattice.

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